About SERU
Passionate Animation Production
SERU Animation is a leading animation production company that specializes in producing high-quality animated cartoons, CGI feature films, and TV series. With its headquarters in Ludwigsburg and an independent creative team and studio in Hannover, SERU offers end-to-end production and co-production services for European and internationally financed projects, with a commitment to high quality standards for artwork and design.
SERU Animation supports and co-produces various animation projects, from script development to theatrical release or broadcast. The company’s highly qualified team of permanent and freelance employees oversees all work steps and areas within animated film productions, with Sebastian Runschke providing leadership as the managing director.
SERU Animation’s primary focus is on developing IPs, financing and executing productions with emphasis on creative direction and planning, predominantly for European-financed projects. The company has made significant investments in the latest technologies and training programs and has gained recognition in the animation industry for its co-productions and partnerships.
As part of the Animation Media Cluster (AMCRS) and member of its advisory board, Sebastian Runschke actively participates in the sustainable design and further development of the local industry. SERU Animation supports the growth of young talents, is an IHK training company and also committed to social and ecological sustainability goals. The company employs a permanent Green Consultant to ensure ecologically sustainable practices.
With the release of two feature films, several series highlights, and exciting new projects this year, including the highly anticipated sequel “The Super Elfkins” (working title), SERU Animation thanks everyone who has contributed to their success and looks forward to continuing to produce high-quality animation and co-productions.